Coconut Oil for Healthy Nails

Dry, weak, brittle nails??? Me too!!! For like my whole entire life. I’ve always envied those girls (and guys) with long natural nails but never knew how to get them. Well, I have found a way!!! Ready for the secret that will change your whole life? Okay that was an over sell but still it’s pretty cool. COCONUT OIL!!!! If you’re into health and beauty and natural hair you’ve probably heard all about coconut oil but here it is again.

I started rubbing coconut oil into my cuticles and nail beds everyday. It initially began as a thirty day challenge for myself but now I do it everyday. I have seen noticeably stronger nails that don’t break or shingle. Because of this, I’ve been able to retain some serious length. I’ve also stopped painting my fingernails as often and I’ve seen a definite difference.

Have you tried using coconut oil to help your nails? How did it work for you? Let’s discuss!

An Open Letter To My ‘Fro

Dear Fro,

You are amazing and wonderful. I never knew that such a magnificent creature could grow naturally from my own body. You constantly show me that God has created me as an individual who is beautiful. You are different every day. Wild and Free are two words I would use to describe my Fro. Everyday, when I look in the mirror, you remind me to be a Bad Ass Motherfucker. You really don’t give a shit and I usually appreciate that.

Love or Hate? I'm not sure.

Love or Hate? I’m not sure.

But right now, you’re kind of pissing me off. I love it when you don’t care about what the world thinks but lately, you don’t care about what I think. I try to style you, and you laugh at me. I try to detangle you, and you eat my comb. So at this very moment, it seems that we are at a crossroads.

Will I relax you? Never. I can’t ask you to be anything but what you are. But you are going in time out. That’s right. A time out. I need a break from you. You’re stressing me out and I can’t deal with you right now. So for the next couple of weeks, you shall be covered. A wig or turban will do. Nothing permanent needed.

Maybe when I free you, I will be more appreciative of EVERYTHING that you are.



Patterned Leggings: OOTD

Another OOTD vid cuz I love doing them!!! This one is a super casual look for these awesome patterned leggings I got from H&M before they closed around my neck of the woods (booo you whore, H&M). I paired it with a black tank top and an ombre button down from Lord and Taylor. I really love this look and it was great for a casual day with the girls.

What would you wear with your patterned leggings?

Sunny Day: OOTD

Spring is here! It only took FOREVAAAA. But it’s may and the temps decided to move into the 70s and I’m appreciative. No complaints. Anywho, check out my sunny day outfit inspired by Solange Knowles.

Solange wears tons of yellow and is always just a ray of sunshine and I wanted to be a ray of sunshine on this beautiful day too! Thanks for watching!

Confessions of A Product Junkie

Hello my name is Marra (aka myfashionforreal on youtube) and I have a problem.

This ain't eem everything

This ain’t eem everything

I suffer from a disease and it is call Product Junkyism. PJism occurs when a natural hair girl, usually newly natural, watches too many youtube videos and reads too many blogs on the topic of natural hair. And the this newly natural diva starts getting hair envy because she sees all of these perfect curls. So what does she do? She buys every gahtdamb product she sees other naturals use in an attempt to achieve the perfect curl. Because if I use the same products of the half asian half black half white chick on youtube we’ll have the same hair right? Right? RIGHT?

No? Well shit, I just wasted a ton of money.

I have so many bottles of mess in my bathroom that I don’t even use. I give somethings away. Some products are complete trash so I throw them away and some haven’t even been tested because I haven’t had the time. I bought two thirty dolla bottles of Kiehl’s Conditioner and Leave In a couple of months ago that have never seen the light of day. Why did I buy those? not a rhetoical question. If you are reading this please tell me why I bought those. Thanks.

All of that to say, after all the crappola I bought, I go back to the Original Gangstars of my hair regimen. I guess ain’t nothin’ like the real thang. Or something like that. I don’t know.

10 Things I DON’T Miss About NYC

1. The expensive ass rent.

Lemme tell you how much I payed in rent: too damn much that’s how much. It’s really a shame that in cities like New York, people can’t live reasonably. Manhattan? Forget about it. Brooklyn? Those hipsters pay a pretty penty to be cool and trendy. Everywhere else? Still expensive as fuck.

2. The Judgment.

You Know You Want Summa This

You Know You Want Summa This

Sometimes, when it’s late at night I get hungry. So I take my greedy self  to the nearest kitchen or corner store in whatever I happen to be wearing. So I see no problem going to get my late night snack in my footie pajamas. AND enter the judgment. People looking at me all sorts of crazy. What? I didn’t look that bad.

3. The G Train

That train was forever trying me. Like I don’t understand why it was neva eva eva on time. Someone please explain it to me.

4. The Fashion Girls

Because I was an intern at a fashion company that shall remain nameless, I was surrounded by fashion girls. Some of them were super nice awesome people. The rest were the most self important and egotistical people I have ever met.  I sat at an office lunch and listened to the entire staff make fun of someone for being a cosmetologist. And there I was sitting and thinking, “I always wished I could do hair”.

5. Pigeons, Pigeons, E-ver-y-wurrr

I hate fuckin birds. Like fo real. They are gross. And I especially hate pigeons. Rats of the sky. In the words of ms. raven simone, “ya nasty”.

6. People on the Train

Every single day, either on the train or in the station, someone would tuhhry me. Especially the people who would STAND on the left side of the escalator. WHYYYYYYY GOD WHYYYY???

I for real saw this shit

I for real saw this shit

7. Too Many Restaurants

I love to eat good food. It’s a past time of mine so when I git to the city I had a foodgasm. I was in heaven for real. So I ate everything until I realized my jeans were fitting a little snug. Then I went and got on the scale in the mailroom of my job and imagine my shock when I was big as a house. True story y’all: New York made me fat.

8. Busy Busy Busy

I would say for the most part New Yorkers aren’t rude, they’re just busy. They have places to go and people to see and you need to get out of their fucking way. Stop to talk to one of these people and they’re probably pretty swell but mess with their morning commute and lose a limb. It be like that sometimes.

9. Homeless Holla

Listen, I appreciate a compliment from a man (or woman) on most days but the men in New York DID THE MOST. A man (who I’m going to assume was residentially challenged) once followed a whole block and halfway down the subway steps asking if he could take me home. No sir, you may not. For a variety of reasons.

10. Allll byyyyy Myselfffff

I had friends in NYC, but I still felt really alone. It made me sad and I was overwhelmed so after about 7 months I pached my stizzle and came home. NYC, It was nice knowin’ ya.

Fantasia… Gurl

Fantasia… Gurl… I’m not even a fan, but lately, you have been giving me everlasting life.

First, you dropped this and I rolled my neck like THE most ratchet hood in the world.

Like WHYYYYY is this so hot? I need to know. And you just know she was singing to a certain T- Mobile employee who shall remain nameless.

Anddddd THEN. LAST NIGHT. Boo you had me crying about ish I ain’t even been through.

When she gave us that Kerry Washington lip tremble at the end. STAWP. I died and the came back. Also, Whoever is her new glam squad… THEY DID THAT.

I’m Done.

DIY Retro Glam Sunglasses

I love summer and sun and retro styles and I was super bored a couple of nights ago and went to my local craft store. I spent a shit ton of money in there like it wasn’t even okay. But what’s done is done so I walked out with three cases of swarovski crystal rhinestones among other things. I had a plain black pair of cat eye sunnies from target that were just begging to be jazzed up so that’s what I did.

Here’s a look at how I did it:

Want more detailed instructions? Keep reading!!!

1. Lay out all of your supplies.

2. Place your crystals/rhinestones out on a flat surface for easier access.

3. Place a small amount of super glue on your sunglasses and quickly place your rhinestones where you want them.

4. Repeat until you’re satisfied!

Super easy right? And I love my retro glam sunnies. I think they’re super duper cute.